What is Going on Here?

How it Is

Most of you are focused on paths driven by your fundamental American values and upbringing.  You are working in real jobs to earn money and use it wisely to acquire the goods and services required to keep your family safe, self-sufficient, and happy.  Many of us have also assumed that our neighbors and fellow Buncombe County residents are doing the same.  That is just how we’re wired – how we were raised.

What it Is

Unfortunately, not everyone was raised in the same way.  Some were raised to understand how to be successful, and others were not.  Maybe they didn’t have good role models?  Maybe they are mentally ill, or perhaps they grew up in a flawed foster care system?  There are many reasons why people find themselves on a less successful path than others.  The left would have us all believe that the reason some people thrive while others do not is the result of something they call “systemic racism.”

As intended, the term conjures images of white men in white robes and masks, carrying crosses, hanging black people, and burning down their homes.  Thank God that era is mostly in our past.  Evil certainly still exists in our world, though.  Evil is colorblind and focuses its wrath upon people of all colors – red and yellow, black and white.  Evil can also live within people of any color and any sex.  It is preposterous for anyone to declare that the world’s biggest problem is that white men are mostly evil and prevent white women and other people of all colors from being the best they can be.

Nevertheless, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously at their August 4, 2020 meeting to adopt a Resolution Declaring Racism a Public Health & Safety Crisis.  As a matter of record, Republican Commissioner Joe Belcher made the motion to approve the resolution, and Republican Anthony Penland seconded it.  Robert Pressley then voted with his fellow Republicans and the Democrats to pass the resolution unanimously.  To their credit, the three Republicans voted later in the meeting against the Resolution to Support Community Reparations for Black People in Buncombe County, which Jasmine Beach-Ferrara and Amanda Edwards crafted. The City of Asheville had already passed its Reparations resolution a month earlier.

So, we have official local government documents declaring that “systemic racism” is a thing and that black residents deserve and need reparations.

What’s Next?

Those who birthed and nourished this divisive ideology have burrowed into every aspect of our society – entertainment, education, media, and our local and federal government (elected and unelected).  They have tried to use all that influence and power to convince the rest of us that capitalism is based on racism.  They want you to believe our systems of government, national borders, financial markets, and business enterprises are ALL riddled with white supremacy.  There are three reasons why this ideology should frighten you:

  • Many people appear to honestly believe in this ideology, especially within the Asheville City Limits.  
  • Those who honestly believe in this ideology also think that the solution is to “burn it all down” – to dismantle “whiteness” and “white privilege.” 
  • These ideologues tell us that they can (then) “build it back better.”

If you are paying attention (and you NEED to pay attention), you are hearing them say this.  If you don’t believe us, drop “dismantling global white supremacy” in your search engine and pay attention to what comes back.  Our search on BING brought back 1,630,000,000 results.

Like Biden, I would like to “repeat the sentence”:  Our search for “dismantling global white supremacy” on BING brought back One BILLION, Six Hundred and Thirty MILLION results.  One might reasonably conclude that this is not the plan of just a handful of dope-smoking hippies.  No.  This plan is also favored by those in charge of our country right now.  Those in charge of Buncombe County and Asheville also favor this plan.

They Know Best

This is not a test.  This is an actual emergency.  Our elected and unelected ‘representatives’ know what is best for you and your family.  They are dragging us toward their idea of Utopia.  They sometimes refer to it as the “liberal world order.”

Do you agree that our society is systemically racist?  Do you agree that it needs to be dismantled and built back “better”? If so, you’re in luck!  You don’t have to do much at all to help make that happen!  All you need to do is leave them alone so that they can take care of it.

“It is time for us to do what we have been doing.  And that time is every day.” 

The Vice President of the United States of America

What Say You?

This plan sounds like utter hogwash to us, and we plan to fight it!  Join us!

First Tuesday met with other local organizations and community leaders to discuss how we can raise our voices to demand more common sense in governing.  Look for a special email later this week with practical guidance on how you can help us because your assistance is essential.  Let’s take our community back from the radical left-wing activists who stole it while we had our heads in the sand.