Woke, Inc. (Again)

Woke, Inc. (Again)

Several weeks ago, we posted an article to provide information to you regarding companies who have decided that they aren’t concerned about alienating 50% of their potential customers in the Home of the Free.  It’s not worth the time for us to bother trying to understand why they think this is good business.  Nor do we judge those who purchase goods and services from such companies.  Everyone has a right to say what they believe – whether or not we agree with the opinion that they share.  Sometimes we can’t find a desired product anywhere else but on Amazon.  Despite their bias, we tune in to WLOS for 10:00 “news” programming because we don’t have an alternative TV “news” program that covers local interest stories, weather or sports.

Whether we use Bank of America services or not will mean nothing to them.  Besides, moving bill payment drafts and direct deposits to another bank takes a lot of time.  Maybe you have banked with them since the time your granny took you there to open your first savings account.  There are many reasons we might decide to continue doing business with them, despite:

  • The fact that the financial giant teaches that the United States is a system of “white supremacy” and encourages employees to become “woke at work.” (Eye on the News)
  • a report that the bank handed over the account information of hundreds of innocent people in connection with the Jan. 6 riots at the capital.  (The NY Post)
  • Their longstanding support for the Paris Climate Agreement.  (Bank of America Newsroom)

It’s your money, your choice.  Again… we’re not here to judge.  We want only to make you aware of what is happening in the land of the woke.

We are working on compiling information about woke companies as a part of the Resources section of the First Tuesday website and invite your assistance in that endeavor.  We could spend days researching this single topic and still only scratch the surface. Please share news articles from bonafide sources with us.  Include a link to the news article.  You can contact us at this link. Better yet, drop your woke company info in the comments section of this page.