First Tuesday Conservatives was formed to help channel the actions and voices of those in Buncombe County, NC who want to help fight what we see as a growing threat to our American values right here in our own backyard.

Our county, as well as our country, is facing a number of challenges, including:

  • Exploding crime rate and drug overdoses, along with a declining law enforcement presence exasperated by local government representatives who defund and denigrate the police
  • Local government policies that attract dangerous, drug-addicted and mentally ill homeless individuals and families
  • Out-of-control government spending and an explosion of government handouts
  • The complete elimination of any conservative voices in local government or on government boards and commissions
  • American values are literally under attack in Buncombe County

We believe that these challenges are all interconnected and that they are all the result of a growing anti-American sentiment that is infecting our society and our government.

We believe that conservatives have been too quiet for too long. It is time for us to start speaking out and fighting for our values.

We are not interested in hand-wringing on social media. We are interested in taking action.

If you agree with us, we hope you will join us.

Sign up below to receive our newsletter or our ACTION ALERTS! Or signup to become a volunteer.

Together, we can make a difference.  But we will have to put some sweat equity into our community.  It is no longer okay to stand idly by.