Your Property – Your Choice?

Landlords should keep an eye on an agenda item for this month’s HRCA meeting. The Human Relations Commission of Asheville plans to offer an adjustment to the city’s non-discrimination ordinance (NDO). The recommended change will add “Source of Funds – Income” to the growing list of ways our systemically racist society prevents Asheville’s victim class from living whole and happy lives. 

Maximum Allowed Enforcement

This update to the city’s NDO appears to attempt to force landlords to accept tenants who use public subsidies to pay their monthly rent. HRCA also recommends that city staff be engaged to make it easy for victims to complain about landlords who refuse to accept housing vouchers. They also ask for “maximum allowed enforcement” of the NDO. 

Did landlords think they have some ability to protect their investment by leasing property only to those who they feel can afford to pay the rent?   Well, comrades, that is NOT how the new liberal world order works. You WILL rent to whoever the Asheville Diversity and Inclusion Office tells you to. Else, you should expect to feel the full force of “maximum allowed enforcement.”

What do you think they mean by “Maximum allowed enforcement”? Let’s not kid ourselves. These people will not pull any punches, and they know how capitalist racists should be handled. 

How Did We Get Here (Again)?

As morally superior as the appointed “commissioners” may be, you would be hard-pressed to find a less impressive group of citizens to make policy recommendations to the uni-party City Council. Remember that the city council that appointed these “commissioners” also appointed the BLM activist and the transvestite to the Asheville City Board of Education.

This is the cost of our conservative complacency. 

Suppose conservatives continue to ignore these committees’ danger to our way of life. In that case, you can look at any of these recorded meetings to learn who can make some time in their oh-so-busy schedules to dismantle and disrupt life in this once beautiful city. Please don’t be surprised when Brownie’s Board of Commissioners votes unanimously to make a similar change to the county’s NDO.

What Lies Ahead?

Amazingly, a conservative somehow landed a seat on this commission—more on that (hopefully) in a future newsletter edition. The conservative commissioner failed to walk on eggshells. Watch how the chair of this committee sought to console her fellow commissioners after a different viewpoint was expressed during their meeting. 

There has been a lot of turnover on this commission. So be on the lookout for an opportunity to apply for an appointment. Meanwhile, please pay attention to what they are trying to do to our city.

The Human Rights Commission of Asheville will meet on Thursday, August 18 @ 5:30 PM. More Info
We need a monitor to help us keep an eye on this Citizens Committee, please.

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