Woke, Inc.

Conservatives don’t generally support the idea of boycotts, but the left has used the tactic very effectively for decades.  Corporate America fears radical left-wing activists and liberal consumers who follow their directions, allowing these leftists to influence their corporate giving, policies, and employee training programs.  They have become megaphones for the woke.

Using a group’s buying power to harass businesses into promoting social and political agendas is a political tactic intended to coerce those businesses into making public statements in support of those agendas.   On the other hand, making a personal choice not to support spineless companies or those who genuinely agree with the radical left-wing ideology is a personal decision.  Some of us simply prefer not to expose our children to Disney’s attempts to normalize the idea that a biological male is a logical choice for playing Cinderella’s fairy godmother.

Sometimes, though, companies are surprised when conservatives and moderates raise their voices to say that enough is enough.  Several weeks ago, we saw a national corporation flee from a wrong decision their chief diversity officer had made.

Good Neighbor?  Really?

State Farm policyholders began contacting their agents in late May of this year concerning a report that the company had joined forces with an organization called GenderCool.  For its part, State Farm would encourage its agents to donate three-book packages of books aimed at children as young as kindergartners on the topics of being transgender, inclusive and non-binary to local teachers and libraries.  It’s not clear what they expected to receive in return.  However, the company’s chief diversity officer likely did not expect the policyholder AND AGENT backlash that they received.  Within hours of news outlets reporting on the book program, the company announced it had decided to drop it.

Pizza Whut?

Pizza Hut sponsors a reading program for Pre-K through 6th graders.  This month, their suggestions for Pre-K through 3rd Grade include a book called Big Wig about a little boy who dresses in drag.  The Pizza Hut program’s website tells us that the book teaches “sometimes dressing differently from what might be expected is how we become our truest and best selves.”

Kids Are Not Adults

Look.  I’m an adult and can do as I please.  Occasionally, I have been to smoke-filled bars and enjoyed comedic drag shows.  Sometimes the performers display a mustache or heavy beard stubble as part of the comedic effect.  How many of you remember laughing along with Milton Berle’s drag skits?

Who could forget M*A*S*H’s Corporal Klinger?  Who didn’t enjoy the movies “Tootsie” and “Mrs. Doubtfire?”  All of them are very funny. 

City Council candidate Allison Scott is not funny – he’s not even trying to be.  Asheville City School Board member Peyton “Daisy” O’Conner – Almost amusing.  But I’m not about to pretend it’s just fine for him to register to vote as a female or tell children to call him “Momma.”  Get a grip, dude!

Drag can be pretty funny to adults who know men aren’t supposed to run around in dresses and high heels.  However, young children don’t need exposure to adult humor or sexually explicit material.  We don’t need to serve them alcohol or teach them to swear.  My parents raised me to believe parents are responsible for protecting their children’s innocence. 

I will not take him seriously when a man dresses as a woman.  If one restaurant chain participates in the indoctrination of our children by promoting radical left-wing ideology, I’ll patronize one that doesn’t.

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