Where Are the Adults?

I am sure that there must be many who agree that the Asheville Uni-party activists who occupy local government offices need to be sent to their rooms without supper.  I may have agreed with their socialist ideals while crying along with other theater-goers at the premiere of “Billy Jack” while in high school.  Unlike our so-called leaders, though, I grew up.  

Yes, I would certainly agree that what the world needs now is love, sweet love.  As the adults in the room, though, we are the ones who need to work at injecting some common sense and mature thinking into our government.  Most, if not all, the stooges in local government need to be thrown out onto the streets to fend for themselves against the criminals and the mentally ill street roamers they coddle.  

Sadly, the adults appear to be unwilling to step up and help introduce the needed corrections.  Where are they?  Why do we allow left-wing activists to control everything in Buncombe County?  Are we afraid of them, or are we just lazy?  Hand-wringing complacency will accomplish nothing but ensure we continue down the path to socialist ruin and decay.

Yes, we need to vote Esther out of office.  Sadly, that could lead to possibly even greater destruction at the hands of police-hating, abortion-loving, homeless-coddling Kim Roney.  Roney is the pick of the Asheville chapter of Democratic Socialists of America.  If city-dwellers decide not to vote for Esther, who can they vote for instead?  Comrade Kim?

We aren’t exactly primed for success here, and the November elections are only two months away.  Adults need to flood the polls.  Should they be encouraged to write in the name of brave Republican mayoral candidate Cliff Feingold?  Or would that siphon votes away from Esther and lead to a landslide for Comrade Roney?  Would Dr. Feingold even be open to that?  

Few of those in power today care about conservative and moderate values.   

They have the power, and (by golly!) they intend to use it to construct Utopia – no matter what you think of that.  They do not and will not represent my values.  Should we tremble as we wonder, “Who will save us?”  Or do we need to roll up our sleeves and show them how it should be done?  They have shown us that they do not know what they are doing.

Unless adults step up and assert some control, the idealists will continue their misguided efforts to spend every bit of our money on all the wrong things.

1 Comment

  1. Barry

    Unfortunately what you are saying is true. Our culture has changed not only in Asheville but around the nation. We are no longer interested in doing what is right for the country … now it’s only whats good for me. Our schools and the media have damaged us all. Asheville is only an example of that on a local level. Fantasy progressivism has taken over common sense. But conservatives have not met the challenge either. Things will change here only after the pain of the progressive lies becomes intolerable. In the meantime princess moon beam is better then a communist running city hall.

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