What We Must Do

Folks, the left has worked for decades to refine and tune its voice. They have organized organizations to help themselves organize! They are damn good at it after all these years.

Meanwhile, conservatives have been working hard at our jobs, saving money for our retirement, raising our children, going to church, coaching Little League teams, celebrating America, keeping our families safe, supporting law enforcement and the military…. All of those activities left us with little time to protest in the streets, organize letter-writing campaigns and boycotts, or to travel to our Federal and state capitals to confront elected representatives.

Conservative voices are so easy to drown out when we either don’t use them or only use them incorrectly or emotionally.

fashion woman cute young
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Conservatives must make the time to express ourselves wisely. We cannot allow ourselves to be distracted by social media trolls. Arguing with members of the left is not going to yield any meaningful results. Sure, you may experience a temporary adrenaline rush for having vented ugliness and frustration at a fellow human being. But aren’t they just exercising their first amendment rights? It is not necessary or useful to engage with the left on that level. It is a-okay to ignore their misguided rhetoric, name-calling and taunts. Let them waste THEIR time and energy. However, do not let them steal YOUR precious energy. We need to use that energy instead to make our voices heard in more meaningful ways.

If immediate gratification is what you seek, go to our TAKE ACTION! section. Push a couple of buttons, and feel some comfort that you have now done something more productive for the conservative movement!

If you can spare more time and energy, help us construct those TAKE ACTION! buttons. Help us learn about what the socialists are doing from within our institutions to erode conservative values. Then help us transform that knowledge into consequential steps that we can share with fellow conservatives. It takes energy to generate energy.

A powerful but pathetic politician once said, “Pfft…people will do what they do”. Well, she was right about that. They will. However, that has nothing to do with us. Like the great Dolly Levi once said, “You salt your beets, and I’ll salt mine”. Let them do what they’re gonna do, but let’s be sure that we do what we must. I submit to you that sitting on Twitter bemoaning our present state is really not all that helpful.

We need to take a few pages out of Nancy’s book and turn this battle for the heart and soul of America around. Let’s be crafty when we need to. Let’s be smart.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

We need to stop playing defense and instead push forward. Join us!