Local Government Boards: A Training Ground for Future Leaders

We can make a difference!

Local government boards have a significant impact on public policy. They are populated by elected officials who claim to seek the voice of the people, and their recommendations often become ordinances, resolutions, or proclamations.

These boards are often the first place where conservatives can have their voices heard on important issues. By the time a measure comes before the Board of Education, City Council, or County Commissioners, most of the kinks have been ironed out and its passage is inevitable.

This means that conservatives have a limited window of opportunity to influence public policy. If we wait until the last minute to speak up, it will be too late.

That’s why it’s important for conservatives to get involved in local government boards. These boards are a training ground for future leaders, and they provide a valuable opportunity to shape public policy.

Of course, not all local government boards are created equal. Some are more open to conservative voices than others. But even on the most liberal boards, conservatives can make a difference by providing a different perspective and challenging the status quo.

So, if you’re a conservative who wants to make a difference in your community, I encourage you to get involved in local government boards. It’s a great way to have your voice heard and to help shape the future of your community.

Here are some tips for getting involved in local government boards:

  • Do your research. Before you apply to serve on a board, learn as much as you can about the board’s mission and responsibilities.
  • Be prepared to answer questions. When you apply to serve on a board, you will likely be asked questions about your experience, your views on public policy, and your commitment to the board’s mission.
  • Be a team player. Once you are appointed to a board, it’s important to be willing to work with people from different backgrounds and with different viewpoints.
  • Be persistent. If you don’t get appointed to a board the first time you apply, don’t give up. Keep applying, and eventually, you will be successful.

I believe that conservatives have a lot to offer local government boards. We bring a different perspective and a commitment to limited government. We also have a strong work ethic and a willingness to serve our communities.

I urge you to get involved in local government boards. It’s a great way to make a difference in your community and to help shape the future of our country. What do you think? Have you ever served on a local government board? What was your experience like? I invite you to participate in First Tuesday’s survey, “Thoughts About Serving on Local Government Boards, Commissions or Committees”.