Speak up – NC Voter ID

I have sent the following email to my state legislators.  I encourage all North Carolinians to make their voices heard.  If you like the email below, feel free to copy it and sign your own name to it.

From: Jim.Cowmia
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2020 4:24 PM
To: ‘Susan.Fisher@ncleg.gov’ <Susan.Fisher@ncleg.gov>
Subject: NC Voter ID
Importance: High  

Dear Ms. Fisher:  

In the November 2018 general election, 55.5 percent of the state’s voters (including me) approved a referendum requiring voters to present a photo ID to vote. Now we sit less than 50 days from one of the most important elections of our time, and you have failed to resolve issues that a federal judge used as an excuse to block the law passed by our state legislature.  While I disagree completely with the judge’s order, we clearly must do something to address her concerns with the law so that you can mark this decision by the people as one that you have satisfied.   

I would like to know if you are working to have this voter decision addressed by repairing the law to address Ms. Biggs’ order to enjoin and restrain implementation of any of S.B. 824’s voter ID requirements and ballot-challenge provisions.  Please tell me what you have done to address the judge’s concerns so that the voters of NC can have the protections of voter ID requirements that we have told you we want.  If you have not been working to address this, please tell me what you have prioritized as more important.   

I was surprised to learn in Biggs’ opinion that, “An amendment to the bill proposed by Representative Bobbie Richardson—which was rejected—would have permitted voters to use any “identification card issued by a branch, department, agency, or entity of the United States or [North Carolina] for a government program of public assistance,” so long as that ID contained a photograph.”  I do not see why the legislature would fail to ratify this amendment. It seems obvious to me that any approved form of identification should be subject to a uniform set of requirements for ensuring legitimacy.  Surely the legislature can define such criteria.  
I just cannot spend my time worrying over why Judge Biggs pointed at failure to pass this amendment as further proof of race-based discrimination.  However, it is not my job to do the will of the electorate – it is yours.  The NC State Legislature should have already taken care of this, and I am more than a little bit disappointed at its failure to do so.  
I suppose that there is nothing that can be done in time to address the wishes of the people before the November 2020 elections.  However, I expect the legislature to have this resolved before any 2021 elections.  I want voters to prove who they are when exercising the right to vote.  I believe that there are unscrupulous people who are interested in manipulating votes, and I expect my elected officials to protect the integrity of the elections process by implementing the voter ID requirement.  We have already told you to do this, so please do it!  
Jim Cowmia