Show Them the Money!

They’ll Find a Way to Spend It

At their March 7 regular meeting, the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners engaged in one of their favorite activities – spending our money.  Specifically, they discussed the allocation of federal funds (HUD) for the North Carolina Recovery Housing Program (RHP).  As taxpayers, we need to scrutinize how our hard-earned dollars are being spent, especially when it comes to government initiatives aimed at supporting disadvantaged community members.

The RHP, administered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce’s Rural Economic Development Division, aims to provide stable housing to support individuals in recovery from substance use disorders onto a path to self-sufficiency. While the goal of assisting those in recovery is noble, concerns arise when we examine the approach taken by local government in handling these funds.

Fiscal Responsibility

First and foremost, it’s crucial to address the issue of fiscal responsibility.  As conservatives, we believe in prudent financial management and the avoidance of

unnecessary spending.  While supporting individuals in recovery is undoubtedly important, we must ensure that taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and effectively.

One concerning aspect of the RHP is the apparent lack of proactive planning.  It seems that funds were identified first, with discussions on how to spend them following afterward.  This approach raises questions about the county’s priorities and whether proper planning and assessment have been conducted to ensure the most effective use of resources.

Personal Responsibility

Furthermore, the RHP’s requirement to provide stable housing for individuals in recovery for up to two years or until they secure permanent housing raises concerns about long-term dependency on government assistance.  While temporary support is necessary in some cases, we must also prioritize initiatives that empower individuals to become self-sufficient and break the cycle of dependency.

Call to Action:

As taxpayers, we advocate for transparency and accountability in government spending.  Citizens need to have a voice in decision-making processes, and for local officials to prioritize the needs of the entire community, not just select groups.

We urge fellow taxpayers to voice their concerns and provide feedback on the RHP before the local government makes any final decisions.  Opportunities for public input, including public hearings and community meetings, are crucial avenues for citizens to express their views and ensure that taxpayer dollars are used wisely and effectively.  Let’s come together as a community to uphold principles of fiscal responsibility and ensure that government initiatives align with the best interests of all citizens.

Moving forward, we call on our elected officials to uphold principles of fiscal responsibility and to ensure that taxpayer-funded initiatives like the RHP are thoroughly planned, effectively implemented and aligned with the long-term goals of our community.

At their March 7 meeting, the Commissioners passed a resolution approving the Buncombe County RHP Citizen Participation Plan.  This plan outlines how citizens will be involved in the planning, implementation, and assessment of the RHP.  You can apply to serve on that committee.