Does Party Loyalty No Longer Matter?

Does Party Loyalty No Longer Matter?

Speaking only for myself… I am sick and damn tired of Dems and RINOs doing whatever they want without consequence. Why do Dem-run cities (like Asheville, Portland, NYC, etc.) suffer from record crime? Rules, laws, and plans of organization are ways a civilized society seeks to promote order and prevent anarchy. They help set our expectations for acceptable behavior. When I cast my vote for a Republican, I have an expectation that they will at least occasionally vote in support of my values. If I can’t use the party affiliation of a candidate as a guide on what to expect from an elected Republican, then what value does the Republican brand offer to me as a voter or as a volunteer?

I KNOW what to expect if I cast a vote for Brownie Newman. He will do everything in his power to push his radical left-wing agenda. He is dedicated to that party’s platform. Dems know they can count on him to work hard to implement social policies and “equity” – no matter what it costs the taxpayers. Do you think he would vote in favor of taxpayer-funded abortions? I expect he would. Because that’s something his constituents want. Do you think he would vote in favor of constitutional carry? Of course not! We never have to guess how he will yield his power because of his party affiliation and record.

What was I thinking when I voted for Richard Burr? Thom Tillis? Amy Churchill? I certainly did NOT expect a Republican to vote in favor of Trump’s impeachment or in favor of gun control. Nor would I expect a Republican to endorse and campaign on behalf of Dem candidates who were opposed by Republican candidates. I also would not expect a Republican to oppose the NC General Assembly’s efforts to prevent racist indoctrination of our children or their efforts to end mask mandates. If an elected Republican public servant doesn’t like a bill that every other Republican supports, maybe that public servant should support their party in its passage and then work with them to improve it, after its passage. I don’t recall voting for anyone because I thought they were omniscient. In my opinion, Republican public servants like this dilute the brand’s strength.

If a public servant sees that they are the only elected Republican opposed to a measure, then maybe they aren’t a Republican. For such a public servant to remain within and work to oppose the other Republicans is not what I would expect of a true Republican.

If the local party observes a registered Republican public servant voting along with Dems in opposition to EVERY REPUBLICAN in the state General Assembly, maybe they should pull that person aside and determine whether they support the party and whether the party should support that person. Turning their heads and looking away is NOT an effective leadership tactic. Ignoring the issue and allowing it to fester for two or more years is not how I expect true leadership to behave.

Sure, these elected Republicans have convinced themselves that they did the right thing by straying from just about every other Republican and, in fact canceling out the votes of some of those Republicans. I didn’t vote for Republicans for them to vote however they felt. I expect elected Republicans to work with their party to combat evil, defend the constitution and the bill of rights, oppose socialist policies, work for smaller government and less government spending while soundly crushing attempts to rob individuals of their liberties within the law. If a person wants Republican party support but also wants to be a Pseudo-Republican (or just an outright RINO), I don’t believe the party should endorse them and allow them to be affiliated with the party.

Did Mrs. Churchill win a seat in a non-partisan race? Yes, indeed, she did. Did the Buncombe GOP endorse her? Yes, indeed, it did. Does it make sense for voters to affiliate with and follow a group that doesn’t stand behind its own platform and plan of organization? Does it make sense to care about party endorsements of any candidate who is not held to party principles? I dunno….Convince me.