Take Action: Hold Them Accountable
Demanding fiscal responsibility and transparency from their elected politicians.
It’s essential to hold local officials accountable for their actions. By advocating for transparency and fiscal responsibility in government, you can push for more prudent use of taxpayer dollars. Take action now, or else risk further misuse of public funds and neglect of community needs by left-wing activists.


Local politicians, especially those aligned with far-left organizations, aim to tax and spend our hard-earned money on “social justice” causes like reparations, housing, and climate projects. Empowered by liberal Democrat support, they push forward with their agenda. But opposition isn’t exclusive to conservative Republicans—it’s about common sense and responsible governance. Our silence suggests complicity. Will our children forgive us? Will they seek less radical alternatives elsewhere?

Let’s refuse to stand idly by as our tax dollars fund pet projects and ideological agendas. Whether conservative, moderate, or simply concerned citizens, our voices matter.

Take Action

  • Write to your local representatives and express your concerns about how taxpayer funds are being allocated. While personalized letters are usually more effective, using a form letter such as the one provided on this webpage is better than remaining silent. Remember, silence implies consent and concurrence with their actions.
  • Attend local government meetings and speak out during public comment sessions.
  • Support candidates who prioritize fiscal responsibility and accountability in government.
  • Spread awareness among your friends, family, and neighbors about the importance of holding elected officials accountable.
  • Stay informed and engaged in local politics, and vote in every election to make your voice heard.

Make Your Voice Heard

We must demand fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability in government spending.

Use First Tuesday’s template (above) to send an email to the Asheville City Council and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners.

Help Us Track Our Impact!

While personalizing your communication with elected representatives is highly effective, using our petition platform helps us measure our collective impact. If you choose to write a personalized email or letter, please read further to ensure your voice is counted…