Reading, Writing & Racism

Some of you already know that public schools work to indoctrinate our children to support Socialist and Marxist principles.  Others cannot believe that “the system” could be so flawed as to allow that.  Others lean towards believing that there is a problem but aren’t convinced that they can do anything about it.  Have you attended Buncombe County or Asheville City Board of Education meetings and left feeling ignored and stone-walled?  We can relate! 

We can, of course, reach out to individual teachers, school principals, and PTAs in our efforts to learn more about what’s going on in our schools.  We can volunteer to work in the schools to see whether and how our children are being spoon-fed liberal values with which we disagree.  However, one thing we cannot do is be surprised when our school-aged children start advocating for liberal causes as we gather around the supper table.

One way to begin a more effective program for countering progression down this path is to run for (and WIN!) election to one of the school boards.  Yes, you can enter a school board race even if you aren’t transgender or a supporter of BLM.  You don’t even have to agree with the local government that racism is a public health emergency.  You don’t need to have some advanced degree in education or psychology.  Actually, you don’t have to hold a degree at all. 

It’s all about location, location, location.  Suppose you live within the Asheville city limits and have a sincere desire to ensure that all children are provided an opportunity to receive a high-quality education.  In that case, you are qualified to run for one of the four open slots on the Asheville City  Board of Education.  If your voter registration reflects that you reside in the Enka, Erwin, or Reynolds school district, you can consider running for the corresponding Buncombe County Board of Education seat.

If you would like to learn more about school boards, take a look at the conservative Leadership Institute’s free online “Introduction to School Boards” training program.  If you have already decided or are considering a run for one of the seven local seats, God bless you!  You should know that the Leadership Institute also offers an online “School Board Campaign Training” program, and you can enroll in this course FREE for a limited time.

There is little doubt that liberal activists will identify and recruit liberal candidates for these seats.  They have a well-oiled machine to maintain their stranglehold on local government, elections, school policies, and curriculums.  Unless conservatives get off our tails and begin building and flexing some political muscle in Buncombe County, we should prepare to watch as the left continues its destructive plan for building an Orwellian Utopia in our front yards.

Visit our ‘Fighting Critical Race Theory‘ page for more information on combatting liberal, racist indoctrination.
