Why Does Rep. Prather Want to Help Drug Dealers?

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As voters in District 115 consider their options for the upcoming state house elections, it’s crucial to examine the legislative actions of our current representatives. One piece of legislation that warrants attention is House Bill 668, sponsored by Rep. Lindsey Prather (D) and others. This bill, referred to the Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House on April 19, 2023, aims to eliminate the tax on unauthorized substances. This legislative decision, though a year old, remains highly relevant as Rep. Prather seeks reelection.

The Core of House Bill 668

House Bill 668 mandates a study by the Revenue Laws Study Committee to assess the feasibility and effects of eliminating the unauthorized substances taxes, including the potential funding required to compensate state or local law enforcement for any resulting revenue losses. While this might sound like a routine legislative proposal, the implications of such a study and potential tax elimination are far-reaching.

Key Concerns

  1. Defunding Law Enforcement: The existing tax on unauthorized substances provides essential funding for our state and local law enforcement agencies. These funds support various operations aimed at maintaining public safety and combating illegal activities. Eliminating this tax could strip away these critical resources, effectively defunding our police.
  2. Benefiting Drug Dealers: Removing the tax alleviates financial penalties for those involved in illegal drug activities. This change could potentially encourage more illicit trade, putting our community at greater risk. The tax serves not only as a revenue source but also as a deterrent against the proliferation of unauthorized substances.

Public Safety at Risk

With reduced funding, our law enforcement agencies may struggle to effectively combat crime and ensure public safety. In a time when community security is paramount, we cannot afford to compromise on resources that help keep our neighborhoods safe. The potential benefits to drug dealers and the negative impact on law enforcement funding are significant concerns that need to be addressed.

Demand for Transparency and Accountability

Given the potential consequences of House Bill 668, it is essential for Rep. Lindsey Prather to explain her support for this legislation. As constituents, we deserve to know how she plans to mitigate the risks associated with defunding our police and the indirect encouragement of illegal drug activities. Transparency and accountability are vital, especially as Rep. Prather campaigns for reelection.

Call to Action

We urge the voters of District 115 to stay informed and demand answers. Our community’s safety and well-being should be the top priority for our representatives. Let’s ensure that our elected officials are held accountable for their legislative actions and that they prioritize the needs and security of our community over policies that could have detrimental effects.

As we approach the election, consider these factors and make your voice heard. Our future depends on the decisions we make today.

Contact Information for Rep. Lindsey Prather:

  • Email: lindsey.prather@ncleg.gov
  • Phone: 919-733-5732
  • Office Address: North Carolina General Assembly, 16 W. Jones Street, Room 1228, Raleigh, NC 27601

Feel free to reach out to Rep. Prather to express your concerns and ask for more information about her support for House Bill 668.


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