Our passion is high!
While our expenses are relatively low, donations help us cover the legal costs of forming this corporation. Donations also help cover:
- Software licenses and services (Web hosting, Website Security, CRM, Image licenses)
- Office services (Voicemail and snailmail hosting)
- Copying/publishing expenses.
You may have already noticed that this website could really use a professional touch (estimated at $2,500). A more professional and easier to maintain site would free the old man and his keyboard to work on more directly impactive actions – collecting action items, writing letters, telephoning elected officials and bureaucrats, attending citizen committee meetings, and telling our subscribers what is really happening in those meetings.
Thus, donations help us continue working to educate and motivate area conservatives as we raise our voices in opposition to the transformation of Buncombe County into a haven for Socialists and BLM/Marxists.
Thank you to those who have given:
$1,000 to $5,000
- Fulton, Jim
Up to $1,000
- Sherrie Fulton
- Hudson, Betty