Now Serving: Reckless, Amateurish “Reporting” on Police Brutality

From: Jim.Cowmia
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2020 11:30 AM
Subject: WLOS NEWS13 August 9 – 11PM Broadcast

You aired a “story” last night about five children that were reportedly threatened by police with guns

  • Was this a local story? I don’t think it was.
  • The “story” consisted of a distraught father and three of his 5 children complaining that the police had fired upon them in a car driven by one of the two older children. 
  • The video appeared to have been taken by a cell phone.  You can hear the father on the video begging police not to hurt his children. 
  • The cell phone footage shows two police wrestling with two individuals on the ground. 
  • There was a picture of a car with two bullet holes in one of the rear doors.
  • A “reporter” stated that the children’s’ mother “thought she saw blood” on one of the children’s faces.
  • The “story” provided no coherent story line and no official police statement concerning the incident.  I didn’t really receive any information on wheat may have actually transpired. 

Was this truly news that Asheville residents need or wanted for some reason?  This story is just another example of the erosion of your journalistic integrity.  Did your decision to air the story have any purpose other than to fan the local flames of discontent over law enforcement.  You should apologize for airing such amateur programming. 

I wasn’t surprised at all at the fact that you aired this garbage, because you’ve done it many times before.  Your nightly news broadcasts have been disintegrating over the past year into low-quality, biased, amateur programming.  I often find myself chuckling at typos in the headline banners at the top of the screen and the running news items at the bottom of the screen.  Are you unable to manage the volume level of your broadcasts? I usually must constantly adjust volume throughout the broadcast.  All of your stories seem to represent a “progressive” agenda. Are you unable to report any good news from the White House? Or do you have a policy requiring that only negative news about the President can be reported?

Yes, this is Asheville. It is also AMERICA, though  In my opinion you should completely gut your news programming and try to build something decent from scratch.  Isn’t that what progressives want to do with this country?  You should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves for airing this crap each night.  I wouldn’t want my name displayed in the program credits at the end of the show.  Are you proud of the job your station is doing?

Jim Cowmia

Arden, NC