NC Senate District 49

NC Senate District 49

If you do not believe that Julie Mayfield is working for you, you should consider voting instead for JOHN ANDERSON.

We know State Senate candidate Mayfield is endorsed by Planned Parenthood Votes – South Atlantic and the AFL-CIO.  You can review City Council Meeting minutes to see that she also voted for “reparations” and to allow the street around Pack Square to advertise the BLM political movement.  ) Mayfield rode her support of the Black Asheville Demands agenda to election to the State Senate, to which she now hopes to be re-elected.  Here’s a link to her voting record – what she’s done for you so far.

2nd Amendment

HB 49
Concealed Carry Permit Lapse/Revise Law. Second Reading6/30/2022 5:46 PMNo
HB 398Pistol Purchase Permit Repeal. Second Reading8/18/2021 5:13 PMNo
HB 481Firearm Disposal/UNC Campus Police. Amendment 18/10/2021 4:26 PMNo
SB 43Protect Religious Meeting Places. Motion 9 To Concur6/8/2021 4:15 PMNo


HB 453Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics. Second Reading6/10/2021 10:39 AMNo

SB 405
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Second Reading5/11/2021 5:05 PMNo

Covid Mandates

HB 264Emergency Powers Accountability Act. Second Reading9/8/2021 12:54 PMExcused Absence
SB 173Free the Smiles Act. Conference Rpt Motion 8 To Adopt2/17/2022 3:09 PMNo
SB 173Free the Smiles Act. Motion 11 Veto Override3/9/2022 5:12 PMNo
SB 116Putting North Carolina Back to Work Act. Conference Rpt Motion 8 To Adopt6/23/2021 4:25 PMNo
SB 116Let Them Play and Let Us Watch. Second Reading3/1/2021 7:53 PMNo


HB 805Prevent Rioting and Civil Disorder. Second Reading8/25/2021 4:38 PMExcused Absence
SB 101Require Cooperation with ICE 2.0. Motion 9 To Concur7/1/2022 9:58 AMNo


HB 755Parents’ Bill of Rights. Second Reading6/1/2022 5:49 PMNo
HB 324Ensuring Dignity and Nondiscrimination/Schools. Second Reading8/26/2021 12:18 PMExcused Absence


HB 118Buncombe School Bd. Election. Second Reading11/29/2021 4:54 PMNo
SB 37In-Person Learning Choice for Families. Conference Rpt Motion 8 To Adopt2/16/2021 4:21 PMNo
SB 37In-Person Learning Choice for Families. Motion 11 Veto Override3/1/2021 7:40 PMNo

SB 671
Changes to the K-12 Scholarship Programs. Second Reading5/4/2021 4:44 PMNo
SB 593Special Education Due Process Hearings. Amendment 1 Motion 1 To Table5/11/2021 5:40 PMNo

Election Integrity & Election Reform

SB 724Expand Access to Voter ID and Voting. Second Reading6/16/2021 6:17 PMNo
SB 725Prohibit Private Money in Elections Admin. Motion 9 To Concur11/29/2021 4:46 PMNo
SB 739Senate Redistricting Plan 2021/SBK-7. Third Reading11/3/2021 10:47 AMNo

SB 740
Congressional Redistricting Plan 2021/CST-13. Third Reading11/2/2021 6:15 PMNo
SB 744Realign NC Senate Districts 2022/SCH22-4. Third Reading2/17/2022 2:53 PMNo
SB 745Realign Congressional Districts 2022/CST22-3. Third Reading2/17/2022 3:27 PMNo
SB 636Donor Privacy. Second Reading5/11/2021 6:45 PMNo

SB 326
Election Day Integrity Act. Second Reading6/16/2021 6:44 PMNo
HB 976House Redistricting Plan 2021/HSA-9. Third Reading11/4/2021 10:21 AMNo
HB 605Voters Right to Know Act. Second Reading1/19/2022 2:09 PMExcused Absence


SB 711
NC Compassionate Care Act. Third Reading6/6/2022 7:14 PMNo
SB 505Medical Billing Transparency. Amendment 2 Motion 1 To Table5/5/2021 5:04 PMNo


SB 605North Carolina Farm Act of 2021. Motion 9 To Concur6/29/2021 4:29 PMNo

SR 719
RESOLUTION TO NOT Confirm Dionne Delli-Gatti/Sec. of Dept of Environmental Quality/Motion 8 To Adopt6/3/2021 1:32 PMNo
HB 334JOBS Grants and Tax Relief. Third Reading6/10/2021 10:11 AMNo
HB 64Government Transparency Act of 2021. Second Reading6/14/2021 7:27 PMNo
SB 211Amend Water/Sewer Rate Adjustment Mechanisms. Second Reading3/29/2021 7:12 PMNo