May I Call You “Mayor”?

Eleven months ago, the country elected a socialist (posing as a Democrat) to the highest office in our country.  Many of us had no idea that Joe Biden would actually begin dismantling our democracy and implementing socialist policies on his first day in office.  Let’s hope that the reality of his globalist and socialist incompetence has gotten the attention of moderates and conservatives here in Buncombe County.  Let’s open our eyes to the fact that local leaders are of the same mindset.  It seems as though they want to tear our society down and “build back better.” It doesn’t just seem that way; that’s precisely what they are doing!

Whether you agree with that assessment or not, you may very likely believe that we need to replace the liberal minions in positions of power with some moderate or conservative representatives.  While it makes perfect sense for conservatives to refrain from re-electing the current pack of activists and social warriors who think they’re running a nonprofit, we need to have some moderates and conservatives with whom to replace them.

I understand that candidates are not required to be rocket scientists, brain surgeons, or university presidents.  This fact should be evident to anyone after they glance at who is currently running things around here.  No, the qualifications are much broader than that:

  • Must be a registered voter of the county.
  • Must be at least 21 years old on Election Day (NC Senate: 25 years old).
  • Where there is a district, must also reside within that district. (For example, candidates for the Buncombe County Board of Education and the Buncombe County Board of Commissioners).
  • Candidates for Municipal offices must reside within the municipality. (For example, mayor, city council, and alderman).
  • Black Mountain & Montreat: must be a resident within the municipal corporate limits.  Sheriff: must complete a disclosure statement prepared by the North Carolina Sheriff’s Education and Training Standards Commission. The statement is valid for 90 days after issuance and must be submitted when filing for office.
  • NC Senate: must be an NC resident for two years by 11/8/2022 & within the district for one year by 11/8/2022.
  • NC House: must be a resident within the district for one year by 11/8/2022.
  • Must be affiliated with a party for 90 days or more at the time of filing.
  • You should probably also have thick skin.  (optional)

See?  We’re not ultra-choosey over who we allow to govern us!  Obviously (again).  You could run for one of the offices that are opening in November 2022!  Think about it!  Could you honestly do a worse job than some of these folks have done?

If you need to consult with friends and family before making a decision, we need for you to do so quickly.  Those wishing to register as candidates for any of the following offices must do so BY DECEMBER 17, 2021.  Primaries for these offices are on March 8 for the November 2022 general elections.  We collected this information from the Buncombe County Election Services website.

ASHEVILLE CITY COUNCILSheneika Smith (stated on Dec 6 that she will likely run again)06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
ASHEVILLE CITY COUNCILS. Antanette Mosley06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
ASHEVILLE CITY COUNCILGwen Wisler (announced Dec 6 that she will not seek re-election)06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
ASHEVILLE CITY COUNCIL (Mayor)Esther Manheimer06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURTSteve Cogburn06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
COUNTY COMMISSION DIST. 1Al Whitesides (has registered to run again)06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
COUNTY COMMISSION DIST. 2Amanda Edwards06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
COUNTY COMMISSION DIST. 3Robert Pressley (has registered to run again) 06-Dec-21 17-Dec-21
N.C. REPRESENTATIVES (Dist 114)Susan C. Fisher (resigned effective 12/31/2021)06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
N.C. REPRESENTATIVES (Dist 115)John Ager06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
N.C. REPRESENTATIVES (Dist 116)Brian Turner (will not seek re-election)06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
N.C. SENATORS (Dist 49)Julie Mayfield06-Dec-2117-Dec-21
SHERIFFQuentin Miller06-Dec-2117-Dec-21

Candidates for the offices below do not compete in a primary.  Visit the Buncombe County Election Services website for additional information.

SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATIONWilliam Hamilton13-Jun-2201-Jul-22
SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATIONAaron Sarver13-Jun-2201-Jul-22
MONTREAT COMMISSIONERSTom Widmer01-Jul-2215-Jul-22
MONTREAT COMMISSIONERSAlice Boggs Lentz01-Jul-2215-Jul-22
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALDERMENTim Raines01-Jul-2215-Jul-22
BLACK MOUNTAIN ALDERMENRyan Stone01-Jul-2215-Jul-22
BLACK MOUNTAIN MAYORLarry Harris01-Jul-2215-Jul-22
COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (Reynolds)Cindy McMahon01-Jul-2205-Aug-22
COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (Enka)Max Queen01-Jul-2205-Aug-22
COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD (Erwin)Pat Bryant01-Jul-2205-Aug-22

Visit the NC State Board of Elections to learn about becoming a “write-in” candidate for these offices.

The purpose of this post is to make you aware of the filing deadlines for these crucial offices.  Please visit the county election services website for complete information about becoming a candidate for elected office.