Is There a Bias Against Conservatives on Local Boards?

Is There a Bias Against Conservatives on Local Boards?

Most, if not all, local government boards and commissions here are primarily comprised of liberals. It is difficult to say for sure why this is the case. There could be a number of factors at play, including the political makeup of Buncombe County, the way that the board is appointed, and the personal beliefs of the current board members.

It is possible that conservatives do not apply to serve on the board because they feel that their viewpoints would not be welcome. It is also possible that conservative applicants are not given any real consideration by the governing uni-party.

Without more information, it is impossible to say for sure what the reason is. However, isn’t it important to have a diverse range of viewpoints represented on local government advisory boards? We believe it is worth exploring why there are no conservatives on local boards.

  • How many conservatives have applied to serve on local government boards and commissions in the past?
  • If conservatives have applied, have their applications been considered?
  • What are the reasons why conservatives have not been appointed to local advisory boards?
  • What are the reasons why conservatives have not applied?

First Tuesday is planning to take a deeper dive into this topic in upcoming issues of the newsletter. This will be a significant undertaking, and I would be honored if you would lend a hand. If you are interested, please reply to this email and let me know how you would like to contribute.