Infiltrate Local Government

Left-Wing activists and Democrats overwhelmingly control the Asheville City and Buncombe County citizens’ boards and commissions. They cherish these opportunities to exert control over local government and (therefore) over you and me. These committees are where bad ideas are born and nourished until they are presented to City Council and County Commissioner meetings and quickly approved before conservatives and moderates even realize what’s happened.

First Tuesday provides information in our newsletter, on our website and on FaceBook and Twitter to help raise awareness of these committee meetings. Our meeting notifications include links to:

  • Committee websites,
  • Video recordings of committee meetings,
  • Meeting documents (presentations, meeting agendas and minutes),
  • Information on how you can attend the meetings and sign-up to offer your opinion on what the committee is doing.

When we discover newsworthy information, we publish our quick notes from those meetings.

We encourage folks to review meeting recordings or actually attend the meetings in order to determine to which of them you have some affinity. Ultimately, we hope to foster the arrival of some conservative voices in these meetings.

We must then begin assuming leadership roles on those committees to fortify proposals issued by the committees with some good, old-fashioned conservative values.

Until we reach that point, consider “adopting” one of these committees by helping us keep an eye on what they are doing and sharing that information with our community. Please review city and county vacancies and consider adopting one or applying to serve on one. Contact us if you are interested in talking about how you can help in this area

Otherwise, the left will just keep winning, winning, winning on this front.