The Asheville Equity & Inclusion Department uses this commission to push policy recommendations to City Council.  The HRCA’s website tells us that committee appointees will be composed of fifteen members who identify as members of one of the victim categories listed below.  Commission membership is intended to reflect the groups of individuals that HRCA was created to protect.  The website doesn’t specify from whom or what these victims are being protected.  Could it be the rampant white supremacy and systemic racism that the Equity & Inclusion Department intends to repair?

If you fear that your classification as “Oppressor” is not being allowed a voice in this committee’s policy recommendations, perhaps you can count on the elected City Council Liaison to the committee to watch out for your interests.  Oh!  Wait!  The liaison for this committee is Comrade Roney.  Never mind then – you shall have no official voice here!

Official Commission Website:

Commission Membership:

The Human Relations Commission of Asheville (HRCA) will be composed of fifteen members, reflecting the groups of individuals that the human relations program intends to protect.  City Council will endeavor to appoint city residents meeting the following criteria:

  • 6 African Americans
  • 2 Latinx individuals
  • 2 members of the LGBTQ community
  • 2 youth members between the ages of 18 and 25
  • 2 to 3 individuals who live in public housing
  • 2 individuals with a disability
  • 3 individuals who are recognized as community leaders
Meeting Information:

The Human Relations Commission of Asheville meets on the third Thursday of each month from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise posted.