Do you believe that we can fight back against extreme left-wing radicals by educating conservatives and moderates? We do.
There is a considerable amount of ground to cover in reporting on local government. They make decisions, redistribute wealth, and tear down civilization & structure (under the guise of fighting racism and white supremacy).
If you work full-time to pay your bills or raise a family, it’s hard to find time to attend local government meetings or review meeting recordings.
Honest summaries of those events can be helpful to people with full plates. First Tuesday seeks to educate our neighbors on what decisions local activists who have overtaken local government and citizen committees make and how they affect us.
First Tuesday needs your help shining a light on the far-left activity here. Please reply to this email if you would like to help. There is no pay except for the satisfaction you may feel. There is no implied commitment – Help us once, or help us 100 times. It’s up to you! What I know is that this is more than a one-person job. We hope to hear from you! Let’s talk about what you may be willing to do to lend a hand.