Guns, Knives & Candidates

First Tuesday had the pleasure of spending the Columbus Day weekend with several Buncombe GOP volunteers who we see nearly everywhere there is some opportunity to promote the party:

  • Vickie Cook (and her daughters)
  • Gloria Michael
  • Teresa Rhinehart

The five of us staffed a booth at the Asheville Gun & Knife Show on Airport Road. We were joined on Saturday by State Senate candidate John Anderson and by Sheriff Candidate Trey McDonald on Sunday. We passed out candidate information, conservative voter guides and candy. We registered several new voters and shared a few laughs.

We had a chance also to visit Jane Bilello at the NCEIT and Asheville Tea Party booth. It was a terrific weekend spent with like-minded folks. So many people didn’t know about the conservative candidates or that there will be a bond referendum! Everyone needs to help get out the vote by talking about the candidates and issues. Contact the Buncombe GOP office if you need information or training. They are also always looking for volunteers as is First Tuesday, too! Reply to this post for more details.