This May, North Carolina’s Republican party faces pivotal decisions for two crucial roles: Lieutenant Governor and State Auditor. These elections are about affirming our values and governance principles.
Candidate Insights
Lieutenant Governor Race:
- Jim O’Neill, Forsyth County’s District Attorney, brings a wealth of prosecutorial experience. Serving his third term, O’Neill’s initiatives, notably targeting sex offenders and chronic offenders, highlight his commitment to public safety.
- Hal Weatherman, distinguished by his extensive political career including time as chief of staff for former Lt. Gov. Dan Forest and former U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, offers profound state governance insights. Weatherman’s role as Madison Cawthorn’s district director showcased his ability to navigate political tumult, emphasizing his leadership qualities.
State Auditor Race:
- Jack Clark boasts a master’s degree in accounting and a CPA designation. He is educated, trained, and experienced in auditing.
- Dave Boliek, an attorney, an attorney, switched his party affiliation last July from Democrat to Republican. According to public voter history records, Boliek has pulled a Democratic primary ballot in every cycle since 2002. Now he is (suddenly) a conservative candidate(?)
Find your sample ballot and voting location
To look up your sample ballot, along with your precinct, voting location, and other details, visit the State Board of Elections voter lookup tool or click the Voter Information button at
Key Dates:
- April 25, 2024: In-person Early Voting begins
- May 7, 2024: Absentee ballot request deadline (5 p.m.)
- May 11, 2024: In-person early voting ends (3 p.m.)
- May 14, 2024: Election Day (6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.)
- May 14, 2024: Absentee ballot return deadline (7:30 p.m.)

Conclusion: A Civic Engagement Call
The forthcoming runoff elections for lieutenant governor and state auditor are a testament to the robustness of democratic republic processes. Participation is not just encouraged—it’s essential for those who wish to see their values reflected in state governance.
As these critical dates approach, engagement in the democratic process is paramount. Ensuring our voices are heard and our values represented in North Carolina’s governance is a duty and privilege.
Poll Invitation: Your voting plans matter. Will you vote absentee, early, or in person on Election Day? Click here to participate in our poll.
The Runoff Election: Ensuring Majority Representation
North Carolina champions electoral integrity through its runoff mechanism, necessitated when no candidate secures over 30% of votes. This process, particularly pertinent for the 2024 primaries for lieutenant governor and state auditor, ensures officials embody the electorate’s choice.
Runoff elections ensure that leadership has majority party support, offering a direct say in representation and underscoring broad electoral backing.
Tradition vs. Ranked-Choice Voting
A preference for traditional runoffs over ranked-choice voting stems from its straightforward, transparent process, aligning with the integrity of democratic republic elections.