Free Money! For the Government, From the Government. By We the People.

Nancy and I don’t talk as much as we used to when I was a young and naïve social justice warrior.  So, I don’t know what was in her heart as she crafted the “For the People Act”.   The mainstream media tells us that Nancy cares very deeply about all inhabitants of our systemically racist country.  Right-wing media tells us that she and the Joe/Kamala co-presidents are trying to pay-off their supporters by bailing out blue cities and states that have mismanaged themselves into horrific financial positions.  I expect that the truth might rest somewhere in between those viewpoints.

In any event, the democrats are doling out the cash! 

  • The City of Asheville expects to receive $26,100,000.
  • Buncombe County expects to receive $50,656,386.
  • The State of North Carolina is expecting to receive $5 Billion.

Trust our Leaders?

I am probably not the only person who believes that we need to have some citizens’ oversight and review of the plans that our elected officials make for spending all that cash.  If conservatives fail to grab a seat at the table where that planning will take place, we will have yet another opportunity to cry out on social media about how unfair it all is.

As conservatives, don’t we believe in personal responsibility, government’s fiscal responsibility, and small government? Do conservatives have any reason to believe that our leaders will ensure that all this money is going to be spent wisely?

Republicans have the majority in the state legislative branch, and I hope we can count on them to some extent to ensure responsible spending of the $5 Billion.  I believe that we need to offer our suggestions and guidance to all our elected officials on just about every issue.  We have learned a thing or two about trusting them to always do what is in our best interest.  Am I right? 

So, I propose that we email and telephone Raleigh to tell them that we are watching and that we expect them to be transparent, responsible, and respectful in their decision-making.  But I don’t think that will fly in Asheville and Buncombe County. 

Act Locally

The local government is dominated by democratic socialists, marxists, and other liberals.  While that may be representative of many of this region’s voters, it does not align with conservative values.  The voices of the majority here are much better organized and staffed than the voices of the local gaggle of conservatives.  Conservatives must fight for every scrap of consideration that we think we are due. 

Do you believe that our values should receive any consideration as plans are made to spend this taxpayer-funded windfall?  Well, that is not going to happen unless we make it happen.  At a minimum, conservatives need to be present at City Council and County Commissioner meetings.  I expect that they will each designate citizen committees.  We need to grab seats on those committees.  Hurry!  Before all the seats are taken. 

The next thing on my to-do list is to reach out to my County Commission representatives and to Brownie to let them know that I want a seat.  Arden is outside the Asheville city limits, so I cannot ask for a seat there.  Can we try to do this together and possibly make a difference?  Can you grab an Asheville committee seat?  I assume that there will be two seats on the Buncombe committee for each of the three districts.  Are there five of you willing to ask for a seat?

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