The socialists that we are fighting today for the life of our country ignore rules, laws, norms, and ethics. They are interested solely in gaining and maintaining control and power, no matter the cost. Conversely, conservatives prefer to follow the rules. We expect that others will do the same. Many conservatives find the idea of protesting, petitioning, and rocking the boat to be distasteful. We believe that if we do everything we’re supposed to do, others will do what they’re supposed to do, too.
How’s that working out for us?
The ruling class has been crystal clear – they know what is best for us. They demand that we behave like good sheeple and do as instructed, regardless of whatever different ideas we may hold. And, of course, our inner voice keeps telling us to comply: “Don’t make waves. Be a good (compliant) citizen. Resistance is futile.”
Suppose that is not the drummer to whom you wish to march. Consider instead standing up to defend conservative values. Democrats care only about passing their agenda, and they’ll do whatever it takes. We are in a fight for our freedom. Conservatives must not shy from this fight. Do you doubt this? Take a look for yourself.

Anyone can complain. And some folks are insanely good at it! If complaining was effective…The problem is, it’s not. At all. Instead, find a petition to sign – and sign it. Share it with your contacts and encourage them to do the same. Folks, this is easy; and it is enormously more effective than whining in an echo chamber. Try it! Let this be your baby step into conservative activism.
Petitioning is about as basic as it gets when it comes to activism. It takes no effort. AT ALL! Yet, it lets someone in power know that at least one citizen holds a different point of view that they need to be aware of in their decision-making.
First Tuesday creates and procures petitions for various conservative causes and posts them on our website for easy access. Will you commit to signing just one petition this week to defend conservative values or to oppose socialism? Visit our “Take Action!” page. Welcome to the fight!