We recently wrote to all of you asking for your help monitoring several city and county boards and commissions. We are delighted to inform you that we now have six committees covered!
- Asheville Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
- Buncombe County Affordable Housing Committee
- Community Reparations Commission (Joint)
- Home, Community Care Block Grant Advisory Committee (Buncombe)
- Homeless Initiative Advisory Committee (HIAC) (Joint)
- Housing & Community Development Committee (HCD) – (Asheville)
We plan to begin reporting on these six committees beginning in Mid-September.
We still need folks to raise their hands and volunteer to help monitor the remaining four that we had initially targeted. Click on each one for information on why we believe it is essential to keep an eye on what they are doing.
- AB Tech/Buncombe County Joint Capital Advisory Committee
- Buncombe 2043 (Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee)
- Human Relations Commission of Asheville (HRCA)
- School Capital Fund Commission
A couple of things to keep in mind:
- You must be a Buncombe County resident to apply to serve as a MEMBER on one of the County boards.
- You must live within Asheville city limits to serve as a MEMBER on any Asheville committees.
- However, ANYONE can MONITOR these city and county boards and commissions. Even a resident of Beijing can do this – and who knows for sure that they are not?
- Some committees are jointly owned by the city and the county (for example, The Community Reparations Commission and the Homeless Initiative Advisory Committee). This means that the city council and the county commissioners appoint members to serve on the committee, tossing a coin(?) to determine which entity oversees it.
Please contact either Doug Brown or Jim Fulton to talk about monitoring one of these committees. Our contact information is contained in the original email, or you can just reply to this post.