At their February 4 meeting, the Justice Resource Advisory Council (JRAC) reviewed a presentation on the Buncombe County Violence Prevention and Safety Plan. Allow us to draw your attention to the third slide in this presentation. The second bullet states that one way to improve the “social and built environment” is to “Decrease access to weapons and other lethal means, stricter gun purchase laws, interventions at suicide hotspots, safe storage practices.” Slide 8 refers to this idea as a priority item with a 12-18 month timeline.
Many of us would likely support many other ideas discussed in the presentation. Leftists enjoy the trojan horse approach to pushing their agenda, and they have been clear that they want to take away our guns. If you and I fail to offer any resistance to their plans, they will, of course, succeed. Don’t even entertain the thought that so-called moderates and conservatives in Washington are looking out for us. You know they aren’t. However, you still need to let them know how you feel about surrendering your weapons.
You now need to know that JRAC will offer a proclamation declaring June 2022 as Gun Violence Awareness Month at the June 21 Buncombe County Commissioners’ meeting. You may ask yourself whether this means anything.
How many of us had the same question when JRAC declared “Racism to be a Public Safety Emergency” in July 2020. What did that mean?
Well, we now have well-funded city and county departments of Equity & Inclusion. We also now have a community task force funded by tax dollars that has demanded the city and county fund reparations in perpetuity. Commissioners will adopt the proposed 2023 county budget at the June 21 meeting – including the $2 million line item for funding reparations to black residents of Buncombe County. Also, at this meeting, Commissioners will hear from the $35,000 consultants on how they plan to re-imagine the spot of land that the Vance Monument previously occupied.
Now, ask yourself again: does it matter if we remain silent as the radical left activists plan to come for our guns? Maybe they’ll be content just to issue their proclamation and call it a day?

I thought NC was a bastion of conservativeness, I am grossly disappointed. Reparations? Gun control? WTF?
Most of the state, yes. Buncombe County, no. Conservatives and even moderates have got to step up to the plate and raising our voices.
Well I think if we don’t stand up and fight this we will be put in train cars and sent to who knows where. If that doesn’t get you up in arms to stand up and be heard them you are as bad if not worse than they are. Listen people this is our God given right to protect our self’s and our families. People PLEASE stand up and fight for your rights. I think the song goes “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”. It’s going to take all of us to do this so I beg you stand up and FIGHT PLEASE!!!!!!