This committee does not think they should have to produce meeting minutes or provide the public with video recordings from their meetings.  Members of the public may subscribe to their periodic newsletters, attend the meetings in person or they may complete online surveys and attend public presentations and input collection sessions.  However, non-democrat, non-liberal citizens will be impacted just as much by the committee’s decisions as those who clamor for more free stuff, bike lanes and social programs whether we participate in this process or not.

The committee has begun populating more information onto their website.  The conservative community needs a couple of people to start studying this material and letting the rest of us know what the committee is deciding on our behalf.  Else we can just all be surprised when they throw their proposals in front of the county commissioners for quick rubber-stamp approval, regardless of cost. 

Remember: Democrats love to tax and spend, so they are likely coming up with various ways to spend our tax dollars.

Refer to the official committee website for information on the committee’s purpose and membership.