While I have no reason to believe that Parker Sloan and his fellow commissioners are intentionally working to remove our freedoms, that is what they are doing. I can understand that they think they are helping by mandating what they believe we must do to protect ourselves and our community. However, they don’t have any experience to guide their efforts. They continue trying to find the magic bullet, but there is no map for them to follow. Commissioner Sloan is not a doctor. He works as Senior Community & Economic Development Manager at Cypress Creek Renewables, a national utility solar energy company. (Maybe that’s why he consistently votes for Buncombe County to spend money on solar energy projects? Maybe someone should look into how much his company profits from his votes. Just sayin’)

Some citizens are willing to defer to politicians and the media to make their healthcare decisions. Some are not. No one in the world can provide guarantees as to how to reasonably avoid contracting the coronavirus, the flu, pneumonia, or many other ailments that can lead to severe illness, hospitalizations or death.
The vaccines have not proven to be very effective in preventing the virus. So BunCo commissioners demanded that citizens wear masks, regardless of vaccination status. Well, that didn’t work! So…now they want to mandate the vaccine (which they already implied doesn’t work)!
Cut it out, guys! My body, my choice!
Please contact BunCo Commissioners to share your thoughts on the resolution to mandate the jab for all BunCo and Asheville School employees. Do we honestly need politicians to decide what medicine you and your family are required to take?
Q: How do I find out who my Commissioner is and get in touch with them?
A: Visit Discover Buncombe.
- Just type in your address at the top of the webpage, where it says, “Tell me about…”.
- Next, select “Voting” from the list of options shown in the left-hand margin. And…Voila!
- However, there’s no reason not to call every single one of them about this issue.
Brownie Newman | 828-243-0107 | brownie.newman@buncombecounty.org | CHAIRMAN |
Al Whitesides | 828-250-4006 | alfred.whitesides@buncombecounty.org | 1 |
Terri Wells | 828-250-4008 | terri.wells@buncombecounty.org | 1 |
Amanda Edwards | 828-250-4005 | amanda.edwards@buncombecounty.org | 2 |
Jasmine Beach-Ferrara | 828-250-4004 | jasmine.beach-ferrara@buncombecounty.org | 2 |
Robert Pressley | 828-215-2077 | robert.pressley@buncombecounty.org | 3 |
Parker Sloan | 828-250-4007 | parker.sloan@buncombecounty.org | 3 |
Here are some talking points that may help you prepare your message:
Good evening, Commissioner. My name is _________________. I am a citizen of Buncombe County. I strongly feel that you will be overstepping your authority if you support the passage of a resolution mandating that ANYONE take medicine that they may not need or do not want. Does science support the idea that people who have recovered from Covid-19 (and now have natural immunity) should be vaccinated? What assurances can you provide that vaccinating someone who has already recovered from covid will not experience severe side effects from taking the vaccine on top of the antibodies already present in their system? Do you believe the “my body, my choice” argument that pro-abortion activists have used for decades? What financial protections exist for our county against lawsuits from people who are adversely affected by your requirement for them to take this medicine? Are you also considering the idea of dispensing $100 gift cards to parents who bring their children to be vaccinated? (As mentioned in discussion with the County Manager at the September 7 regular meeting.) If a vaccine mandate is presented for a vote, I ask that my representatives vote against it. Thank you |