Boondoggling Basics

A boondoggle is a project that is considered a waste of both time and money, yet is often continued due to extraneous policy or political motivations.

At the last regular meeting of Buncombe County Commissioners for 2022, County Manager Avril Pender recommended that the county spend $153,438 on the BC Creative Equity Mural Project.  Of course, the budget amendment to allocate those funds to the project passed unanimously with no questions and no discussion.  Here’s how this might have happened.

Chuck & Nancy: Let’s print piles of money to advance our socialist agenda!  We can use it to bail out failing Democrat-controlled cities and states and curry favor with ignorant people so they will vote for us forever.  We can call it the American Rescue Plan Act or something else that misleads the ignorant into believing this is a good use of federal tax dollars.
Janet Yellin:  Pssst… Brownie and friends, here’s some “free money” because of Covid and stuff.  I am releasing Local Assistance and Tribal Consistency Fund (LATCF) payments to eligible counties under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). Buncombe County is eligible for a total of $153,438 which is paid in two equal payments.  The first payment has been received, and the second payment will be received in calendar year 2023.
Brownie: Fabulous!  What can I spend it on?
Chuck & Nancy:  The funds may be used for any governmental purpose other than a lobbying activity.  There is no expiration date for use of the funds.
Brownie: I’ll check with Register of Deeds Drew Reisinger.  He’s a very progressive civil servant and should have some good ideas on wasting this money on virtue-signaling projects.
(cue the violins)
Drew: I see blank walls.  They’re everywhere!  “Each day, thousands of people pass by these blank spaces with no connection, no inspiration,” he said.  “With the abundance of incredible talent in our area, there’s no reason why these spaces shouldn’t be filled with art that reflects the people, places, and values of Buncombe County.”

Anyhow, it is done now.  Our public servants have shown once again what kind of stewards over public funds they are.  If Brownie and his flock fail to spend tax money to convince everyone of black victimhood, he will lose his stranglehold on votes keeping his party in charge of local government.