Left-Wing Dominance at Council Meeting

The May 14, 2024, Asheville City Council meeting underscored the urgent need for conservative engagement. Dominated by left-wing agendas, the meeting highlighted the lack of conservative representation. Key moments from the meeting emphasize why conservatives must become more involved:

Business Improvement District (BID) – A Tax Burden on Small Businesses

A contentious issue was the establishment of a BID in downtown Asheville. This includes additional taxes on property owners, burdening their tenants and small businesses.

Council Votes:
  • For the BID: Mayor Esther Manheimer, Vice-Mayor Sandra Kilgore, Councilmembers Sage Turner, Antanette Mosley, and Maggie Ullman.
  • Against the BID: Councilmember Kim Roney.

Despite significant opposition, including a petition with over 900 signatures, the council advanced the BID proposal, showing disregard for the financial burden on small businesses.

Public Safety and Policing – Lack of Support for Law Enforcement

Discussions on public safety once again revealed the lack of robust support for local police. With rising crime rates, it is crucial to empower our law enforcement officers. However, the council leaned towards increasing their oversight and reducing police presence.

Education and Childcare – Termination of Head Start Leases

Lindsey Sterrett highlighted the termination of Head Start leases at Pisgah View, Hillcrest, and Lonnie D. Burton centers, affecting over 150 children and their families. The council has not provided a clear plan to ensure continuity of these services.

Preservation of Public Spaces – Inconsistent Funding Priorities

The council discussed funding for the Malvern Hills Pool, highlighting disparities in resource allocation. While there was support for investing $3 million to restore Malvern Hills Pool, a similar request for Walton Street Pool, serving the Black community, was previously denied.

Council Member Kim Roney’s Stance on the Pledge of Allegiance

Councilwoman Kim Roney once again declined to participate in facing the flag or reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. As she seeks re-election, supported by the Democratic Socialists of America’s active Asheville chapter, patriots of all political persuasions should remember her disregard for this tradition.

Strategic Voting Success for Conservatives

Despite the liberal lean of the city council, conservatives advanced CJ Domingo to the November ballot through strategic voting, demonstrating that conservative voices can make a difference when united.

Call to Action

The May 14 meeting highlighted that conservatives currently have no voice in Asheville city government. Our values and concerns are overlooked. It is time for conservatives to step up:

  1. Support Conservative Candidates: Rally behind CJ Domingo and other conservative candidates.
  2. Engage in Strategic Voting: Use your vote wisely to maximize impact.
  3. Stay Informed and Spread the Word: Keep up with local politics and encourage fellow conservatives to get involved.

Together, we can ensure that Asheville’s government represents all residents. Let’s take action and fight for traditional values.  The easiest way to make a difference is to vote and to encourage your conservative acquaintances to do the same.