PURPOSE:  The charge of this committee is to review College requests for capital investments in College facilities from Article 46 Funds under the “Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Buncombe and the Board of Trustees of Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College” dated March 12, 2019.

COMMITTEE MEETINGS:  Held as needed.

MEMBERSHIP: We have assumed but have not yet confirmed that County Commissioners appoint five members to this committee for 2-year terms.

WHY WE WATCH:  The committee oversees recommendations to the County Commissioners for spending public funds on capital projects to benefit AB Tech.  The fund balance projection at the tax provision’s sunset in 2027 is $46 Million.

What little we know today about this committee was extracted from the minutes of meetings held by the Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College Board of Trustees.  First Tuesday has been unable to locate any official website or documents created by or for the advisory committee and submitted a public records request on September 5, 2022 to learn more about this committee.